Supervisors & Candidates Must State Their Intentions on Controversial Land Use Cases

'Say No to Devlin Park' members ask Prince William Supervisors to tell voters where they stand on controversial data center land use issues.


The Prince William County Board of Supervisors has indicated its willingness to conduct public hearings and votes on contentious land use cases during the “lame duck” period between Election Day and the end of their current terms, when their electoral accountability is minimized.  Citizens have a right to know the avowed position of supervisors, particularly those presenting themselves for reelection.  Additionally, citizens should be able to compare incumbent supervisor’s positions with those of the candidates seeking to replace them. 

Recent experience has demonstrated that citizen input at public hearings does not appreciably affect supervisor votes.  Obtaining a definitive advance statement of supervisor intent may be the only way to make candidates accountable for their positions. 

There are several controversial applications that could be considered during this period, so it is imperative that incumbent supervisors and candidates state their intention (support or oppose) on the following data center proposals, all of which are outside the designated data center overlay district: Prince William Digital Gateway, Devlin Technology Park, John Marshall Commons Technology Park, Potomac Technology Park, and Bristow Campus. 

Say No to Devlin Tech Park is an organization of over 600 homeowners, who banded together in response to the threat to communities and schools posed by the Devlin Technology Park.  We are sympathetic to other communities facing similar threats and who are anxious about how supervisors and candidates intend to vote on the above applications.  Accordingly, a request for a statement of intent will be delivered to each supervisor who may cast a vote during the “lame duck” period, and each candidate running for a supervisor position.  Responses should be returned by September 15th so they can be made public before early voting begins on September 22nd.  

True representative government can only be achieved by an informed electorate holding elected officials accountable for their views and actions.

Bethany Kelley and Laura Mahoney

Say No To Devlin Tech Park

Bristow, Virginia

Devlin Park, Devlin Tech Park, Devlin Technology Park, Bristow, Virginia, Prince William County, board of county supervisors, Ann Wheeler, Jeanine Lawson, Bethany Kelley, Laura Mahoney, Devlin Road, Chris Yung ES, data centers, data development, Stanley Martin Homes, Linton Hall, Virginia, Prince William County, lame duck session, Kenny Boddye, Margaret Franklin, Victor Angry, Brentsville, land use, lame duck session, BOCS, Prince William Supervisors, Sept. 15, election, Nov. 7, Prince William Digital Gateway, Devlin Technology Park, John Marshall Commons Technology Park, Potomac Technology Park, Bristow Campus, PW Digital Gateway, Manassas, Gainesville