Prince William Chamber to Hold BOCS Chair Debate

The public is invited to attend; registration required


The stage is set for the debate for Prince William County Chair Candidates! The Prince William Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the upcoming Chair Candidate Debate, featuring Jeanine Lawson & Deshundra Jefferson on Thursday, October 26.

The debate, held from 6 - 8 pm, takes place in the Verizon Auditorium on George Mason University's Sci Tech Campus in Manassas.

This event is brought to you in part by Presenting Sponsor, UVA Health. Registration is free & open to the public, RSVP is required: https://bit.ly/3ZyweFT

Prince William Chamber of Commerce, debate, board of county supervisors, chair, Jeanine Lawson, Deshundra Jefferson, George Mason, Manassas, UVA Health, Verizon Auditorium, politics, business, Chamber of Commerce, Tech campus, Oct. 26, October, 2023, election