Call Prince William Health District if Overdue for 2nd Vaccine Dose


Overdue or Due for Your Second Vaccine Dose? Canceled Appointment Due to Bad Weather?

The Prince William Health District canceled some appointments for second dose vaccines, but the people at the health district want to make sure that everyone receive their second dose in a timely manner. Those who have missed their second dose appointment or will be eligible for a second dose within three days have a phone line they should call. PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VA – Call the Prince William Health District (PWHD) Call Center at (703) 872-7759 and Select Option #3. Who Should Call the PWHD Call Center and When? 
  • If you are due or overdue for your second dose of Moderna, you should call the call center as soon as possible to set up your second dose appointment. Please have your waitlist ID number available.
  • If it is three days before you should receive your second dose, but you have not been contacted to schedule your appointment, you should call the call center as soon as possible to schedule your second dose appointment.
  • Your appointment was canceled because of bad weather and you have not rescheduled yet, you should call the call center to schedule your new appointment. Please have your waitlist ID number available. 
  • PWHD Call Center:
Open (9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) Seven days a week (703) 872-7759 and select option #3.  PWHD COVID Vaccination Clinics:  No Walk-ins, by appointment only. 
  • Manassas Mall, 8300 Sudley Rd, Manassas, VA 20109ThePWHD COVID vaccine clinic is in the main mall corridor. Clinic hours are 9 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday. For Entry, the closest door is marked “Manassas Mall” between the Uptown Alley entertainment center and Macy’s, near the intersection of Sudley Road and Rixlew Lane.  Once inside the door, turn right and the clinic is the first storefront on the left.
  • Beacon Hall, 10945 George Mason Circle, Manassas, VA 20110, on the Manassas Campus of George Mason University. Clinic hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday.
More information: Visit the PWHD website Vaccinate VA

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